I Think He Likes You…

28 July 2006

I Think He Likes You


27 July 2006

Franks had too much beer, and is going streaking… Play.

Things, they are a changing….

13 July 2006

My blog is undergoing a bit of a transformation at the moment. Some of the content may be temporarily or no longer available.

Update: Images previously available on Riphoffs.com (David Hasselhoff rip offs) can now be found here.

I’m Awesome

13 July 2006

I’ve just made my first purchase on Threadless. Yaay!

Happy Blogging

6 July 2006

This month marks the 2nd year anniversary of my blog. If you’ve been here before you will have noticed that it has a new slicker look and feel. I am also tidying up some of the older content.

Although no longer updated, Riphoffs is still one of the most popular sections on my blog with a few thousand hits per week. So even though the hoff has been boozing it up at Wimbeldon, his popularity doesn’t seem to dwindle. If you’re a Hoff fan, you can help get Hasselhoff to number one.


5 July 2006

For a sneak peek at the future of computing, take a look at YouOS.